Rhodes College is responsible to the leaner:
- to deliver high quality training and assessment in compliance with the Standards for RTOs 2015
- to provide all reasonable support and assistance to aid the learner to complete the course, and
- to issue certification documentation consistent with requirements of the Australian Qualifications Framework for successfully completed Qualifications (or Units of Competency)
The learner is responsible to him or herself to successfully complete the required learning and assessment to:
- meet the course requirements including attending classes and completing assessments to the best of their ability in line with the plan laid out at the beginning of the course
- pay any fees owing (see Courses and Fees on the website)
However, Rhodes College cannot guarantee that a learner will successfully complete a course and cannot guarantee that a learner will obtain a particular employment outcome due to many factors outside its control.
Use of Third Parties:
Rhodes College does not use third parties to deliver any part of its training or assessment services, if this should change then Rhodes College will keep the learner informed – see below.
If the third party closes or ceases to deliver the course or any component of the course, then Rhodes College undertakes to organise for completion of the course or component of the course either by providing the service in house or by organising an alternative provider.
Cessation of Trade:
If Rhodes College closes or ceases to deliver the course that the learner is enrolled, then Rhodes College will either:
- refund the unused portion of the tuition fee within 14 days of the specified starting date or from the time the course ceases to be delivered (or)
- offer an alternative course with another provider. See Fees, Charges and Refunds Policy for further details.
Keeping the Learner informed:
If any of the situations above occur for whatever reason, or the ownership of Rhodes College changes, then Rhodes College undertakes to advise the learner. Initial contact will usually be via the learner’s preferred method of communication – email, SMS or face to face. Contact will be as soon as practically possible when such an event occurs but will be within a maximum of 14 days. Based on the type of change, Rhodes College will work with the learner to provide the best option to enable the student to meet their expectations.
If you want further information about a course or study or any of the conditions at Rhodes College, please contact us.